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last bit of alpine vernacular iphonography - and an eclectic little selection of varied stuff

I've long been quite a fan of Japan Camera Hunter, and notably his series of visual interviews; this last one, of Paul Argus, I particularly enjoyed.

Vanessa Winship is another photographer I really like, having first come across her work in French language magazine Polka; here is her series of winter landscapes in Ohio, as featured on the Guardian website.

Also from the Guardian, rural California by Bruce Haley.

For no particular reason, the photography Youtube channels I rather enjoy: Ted Forbes' art of photography; Alex Kilbee's photographic eye; Jamie Windsor; Matt Day; Thomas Heaton; and, rather more gear-centered but doesn't take himself too seriously, Kai W.

Nothing to do with photography whatsoever, but I became hooked for a while on Numberphile. and also TwoSetViolin.


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All photographs on this site copyright of Antoine Boesch

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