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Farm Security Administration, etc.

One of my favorite photo books is The Bitter Years, featuring FSA pictures (and especially Dorothea Lange's) of Great Depression USA. Saw an exhibition of these in Paris a couple of years ago, and boy what a sucker-punch - photos really moving you to the core.

Came across this brief article on the FSA collection on Casual Photophile - which led me to google the collection - and you can check this link to the collection in the Library of Congress, and this one to the New York Public Library's own collection.

Completely unrelated: Hoda Afshar's dreamy, evocative images from islands off the coast of Iran.

Life Framer photography prize winners, from the Guardian; I'd never heard of them - here's their own website.

And a nice little camer geekery article, featuring the Nikon FM2, on The Phoblographer.


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