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first real post in a longish time

so here it is, after I first concentrated on redoing my site a bit.

was actually inspired to do so by a Mr Hakim Boulouiz, a street photographer whose workshop i attended a couple of weeks ago here in Geneva.

first of a planned series, got off to a bit of a slow start but i enjoyed it hugely and really look forward to the next installment on 10 Nov. hugely enjoyed being challenged to do stuff out of my usual rounds or comfort zone. Anyway, Hakim had a bit of a rant against visual pollution and the surfeit of photos everywhere, and I saw the point and the wisdom in the scarecity of photos on his site - and realized that there were quite possibly too many on my own.

so i decided to cut down ruthlessly - and i did, though i got a bit soft in the end, unable to par down all of my portfolios to the intended 20 images.

some photo book publishers would do well to keep this in mind - see my recent reviews, bemoaning the "put it all in" approach, needlessly multiplying otherwise magnificent images that would gain by being fewer.

brought to mind a recent post by Eric Kim, singing the virtues of keeping or putting stuff out of the frame rather than the other way around, and indeed out of your life a wider sense, to increase the definition, significance and value of what remains - a notion I most heartily subscribe to.

sort of in the same vein - and also along the lines of a recent Eric Kim post, i would like rapturously to thank my family, not just for being there, so loving and amazing, but for providing constraints to my photography, to when, where and what i can take my pics. this naturally forces you to be more creative than you might otherwise have been, had you had free rein on a lonely photo outing.​

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All photographs on this site copyright of Antoine Boesch

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